Monday, October 18, 2004

Grieving Democrats II

Two men in Akron are captured on videotape destroying a Bush/Cheney sign, then relieving themselves on it.

In three Florida cities, and in Minneapolis, Republican headquarters were ransacked by a mobs of angry protesters. In one case a broken arm was reported

In Tennessee, and West Virginia shots were fired into GOP offices.

In Spokane a hole was punched through a wall, from a room where Union laborers were working, into GOP headquarters and a computer with sensitive information had been moved. Apparently a thwarted robbery. In Bellvue Washington, efforts were more successful, as a hard drive containing GOP databases was stolen. Where are today's Woodward and Bernstein to investigate these break-ins?

Well it looks like the Democrat Party has moved into the second stage of grief: anger. All over the country, people seem to be realizing that Bush is going to win again this year, and are acting out.

In Madison Wisconsin, bleach swastikas were burned into lawns around Bush/Cheney signs. Rather than make as statement about the GOP ticket, I feel that those vandals were unintentionally expressing their own leanings, as I've always found the American Left much closer to holding the political mindset the swastika once represented. Fascists were notorious for using violence to intimidate political opposition.

The next stage of grief is bargaining. I'm not sure how this will manifest itself into the political discourse. I fully expect my Liberal comedian friends to start rehashing the old chestnut: "As a comedian, I'm looking forward to another four years of Bush Cheney," the implication of course is, that it's far easier to write comedy with Republicans in office. I've started to see groups of people hanging out on street corners with Kerry/ Edwards signs, desparately trying to generate enthusiasm. Could this plea for votes be a form of bargaining?

The Elizabeth Kubler-Ross version of the bargaining phase, is when the aggrieved makes a deal with god, in hope of resuscitating the deceased. I can't really imagine millions of Leftists getting down on their knees, and promising god that in return for a Kerry upset, they will stop pretending to be atheists at the cocktail parties.

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